Organization of the Cooperative Oil Mill of CANINO (LAZIO / ITALY)

marchio olio canino dop

Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Customs costs must be added to the total cost of the order placed

Products reserved for sale in the UK only

The products are shipped only in this countries: United Kingdom

Given the intense delivery period to which couriers are subjected, delivery of the oil is not guaranteed before the Christmas holidays.

Shipments are suspended until the next olive oil campaign

Orders and shipments are temporarily suspended. It will be possible to order our oil again from 2 January 2024.

They will resume regularly in September

We inform all our customers that the oil has sold out.
The new production will be available starting from the 20th of October

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Out of stock
3-litre can BIO (pack of 4)
Out of stock
5-litre can (pack of 2)
Out of stock
1 Liter Bottle (12 bottles)
1 Liter Bottle DOP (12 bottles)
3-litre can DOP (pack of 4)